My face look so fat and weird in this pic isn't it? Although it isn't so nice, but i love this pic lots. I rmb that day all of us were so happy. In fact, we have only three there. Two of us in the pic and one helped us took this photo. Have been lots of quarrels recently with HuBbY, and really sad.
LaoGong, i know u are trying ur best to make me smile. Try nt to make me angry. I know that. But still nt enough k.. I don't know if i'm the one asking too much or u are the one giving too little. But anyway, i still love u so much. Everytime i said that i don't love u as much it's all lie. In fact, i love u more. Our 11th month is just 10 days away. Hubby, we are reaching one year soon. We must let our relationship to be more stable. Let all the others be envious of us and not we are the one to be envious of others. We will be the most sweet and fortunate couples ya? That's warT we used to say in the past but seriously, i have the confidence to get back that sentence. My love for u will be never ending, just like ur love to me is forever. Let's not get anything to be in our way and strive to look at our future with bright and love. Love u lots Hubby.